Another Mystery Model

Friday, August 23, 2024


I don't have any major thoughts to lay on you, but I do have several minor ones. 

First off all: there's an actress who got left out of my list of favorites: Keira Knightley.  I loved her in Star Wars 1: The Phantom Menace,  with Natalie Portman, and also Bend it like Beckham.  The only problem is that I find her hard to follow when she gets excited!

Next: I watched the Democrat National Convention, the fourth and final day.  My friends came over, though I have a smaller TV than they do.  I was beginning to think that it was a waste of time, because there wasn't an outcome I was waiting for; I knew what was going to happen.  But it was worth waiting for (though they drew it out for as long as it was possible to stand it).  And Kamala Harris was dignified and presidential, for the most part.  But I thought that the Trump-bashing was a little more prolonged than I thought was needed.  I began to realize that, though I had thought I led the  World in my frustration with Trump and the Republican Party, I wasn't even close.  There were at least three Republicans who spoke, and they were very bitter. 

I think what's going on is that Trump's fans basically believe that elections won't work for them.  Elections had brought them Obama, and Obamacare, and Bill Clinton, and other things they don't like, such as recognition of Climate Change.  And they're going to lose this election just barely, and they're going to believe that it was stolen. 

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