Another Mystery Model

Monday, August 26, 2024

Caitlin Clark

All sorts of unauthorized accounts, such as 'Caitlin Clark Fans' on Fb, post pics of her, asking 'Isn't she awesome?'

Of course, I think she is, but I'm not sure whether a "like" benefits CC, or is even reported to her.  Often, there are really low-class guys who say, in the comments, that she's a guy.  By 2024 standards, that's really hurtful.  I happen to believe that women's basketball should not allow men to play in it (except maybe for special exhibition games), and vice versa.  Some day things might be different, but today a typical woman cannot compete with a typical man.  Not to mention that CC might be hurt by the comment. 

Šo far, in all the interviews Caitlin has given, that I've heard, she has never been vicious.  That alone, I believe, has won her a lot of fans. If she continues to play basketball the way she is playing now, I think she would earn an excellent reputation, even if she doesn't win a ton of awards.  I try to ignore all the commentators, and statistics wranglers, but it's getting annoyingly difficult.  There's a small possibility that if Caitlin doesn't enjoy the game anymore, the WNBA is going to lose her.  If she starts saving her earnings furiously, that would be a danger sign...


P.S.  Gosh, I just saw a 'best of' type collection of Caitlin Clark getting roughed up really badly.  They were not all from the same match, but, wow.  I would have walked off the court.  (Probably, though, they'd never waste time roughing me up.)

I'm not going to say anything; not that Caitlin will be reading my Blog, but that it's my understanding that too much sympathizing makes the player feel worse.  My instinct is to retaliate, but she just can't do that. 

And then, I read that The Fever has the best offense in the league!  It's that sort of a consolation prize for getting beaten up?

My information is a few days old, so all this is probably out of date, and the Fever might have broken by now!  Just kidding; a little nursing joke there ...

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