Another Mystery Model

Monday, July 1, 2024

Switching Candidates: Will it Work?

President Biden had a bad evening debating Donald Trump (Debate 1).  In fact, President Biden had such a bad time that, in despair, I called for Biden to back out, and for a new candidate for this election.

I still think this is the best decision.   The US needs younger leaders.  (Not youths in their 20s, but people younger than in their 70s and 80s.)  We should have had young people already working in the Party, ready to take up the reins. 

In the 2020 election, there were a number of these sorts of candidates: Pete Buttigieg, Eric Swalwell, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Beto O'Rourke, Andrew Yang, Marianne Williamson.  Over the years, American culture has evolved to accept a broader swath of society for any responsible job.

But the voters have become more picky.  (Not really more picky, but just as picky as in, say, 1960.)

Now, in the upper 'floors' of the Democratic Party, there are people who make decisions about what choice of candidate is likely to win.  In recent decades, they've always bet on a White man.  They threw in Hillary Clinton in 2016, but she lost.  Some of the reasons for the loss are:

  • She's a woman. 
  • They didn't like her personally (because of Bill Clinton, Bernie Sanders, etc)
  • Too educated.
  • Too Upper Class.
  • Too Judgemental.
In spite of all these reasons, the Democrat 'election managers' took away the lesson: women won't work.  In their fear, they told themselves, Blacks and minorities will probably not work either. 

Basically, given all these fears, because of how much control the upstairs boys (and girls, I suppose) have over selecting the candidate, Biden is the only choice, it appears.  I'm sure we all feel: no, we don't think so.  But they have too much of a stranglehold on the process.  

To get back to Joe Biden.  You realize I don't know much about being President.  Clearly, Biden will find it difficult to debate Trump again.  He has candidly told someone that it is impossible to debate someone who's constantly lying.  (I know this is true; when you respond to a challenge,  Trump comes back with something from the fifth dimension, like blue is brown, and anyone who is unaccustomed to lies of that sort does not realized that he actually has won the point.  It gets in the way of responding to the next piece of nonsense Trump throws out.  Honestly, I myself would be at a loss trying to reply to a total lie such as Trump tosses out.  He says them as if he, Trump, believes them, but he probably knows they're lies. 

So, though debating anyone will be difficult for Biden—certainly debating Trump—being president would probably not be a problem. 


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