Another Mystery Model

Friday, June 28, 2024

The Morning After

I'm told that things got better as the debate wound on, but no.  Biden has had a good several years, but this campaign season is going to be like shadowboxing with a demented skunk.

The MAGA crowd believes Trump (the skunk) when he says that his biggest failings and mistakes are actually brilliant triumphs.  Trump is playing to two audiences: 1—rural non-college people who will believe anything unscientific and illogical, and 2—hardcore Conservatives who really don't care what Trump says, as long as he wins.  The Democrats, of all stripes, and the undecided, on the other hand, care desperately, and we're hoping for some sense, and a clear signal from this debate.  Man, I wish I could text them some Tylenol, because they must need it so bad. 

My heart bleeds for everyone, the misguided Right, the frustrated Left, and the confused Millennials.  The Right, not so much.  The Millennials: very much.

When I was teaching, I would tell țhem: "I hope you guys are going to come out to vote!"  It was some years ago.   They would say at once:  We don't know whom to vote for!!  Can you explain all this stuff?

At that time, there was such a backlash against socialists professors, that I thought it would be prudent to take a neutral position, so I said, you gotta watch TV, listen to the candidates, and make your own decisions!  Stoopid. 

But apparently now Democrats are discussing how to get Beiden to stand down. 


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