Another Mystery Model

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Time to Bring Back the Natural Look in Popular Art

When I was a kid, the Natural Look was all the rage.  Women were abandoning the excessive eye makeup up of previous decades, and going without much makeup at all: just lip gloss.  The one place where makeup seemed to have a strangle hold was: comics, especially Manga. 

I have never visited Japan, and maybe I should.  Perhaps makeup lingered on there, as well; maybe Japanese women never abandoned makeup at all.  In their efforts to look more European, perhaps eye makeup was the biggest tool in their arsenal; even today, young women--- and even guys in the neighboring nation of Korea--- in Kpop bands, use tons of eyeliner, eyeshadow, and false eyelashes. 

(This is a topic for another day, but I have seen photographs of scores of Japanese girls wearing no eye makeup at all, who look wonderful, but maybe they have Caucasian ancestry, and maybe the makeup is used so cleverly that it's hard to spot.  I have had immense crushes on Japanese girls, who did not wear makeup; these were my buddies, and I could inspect them personally, so I knew.  But I was attracted to them because of their personalities,  which were deliciously quirky, but also very forthright but without being abrasive.  How I miss my grad school days!!!)

Eye makeup is huge among the very young: the post- millennial generations; sometimes the only makeup young girls wear is eye makeup.   But when young artists create images of their ideal girls, they often have incredibly heavy eyeliner.  A lot of the artists are guys, something I have deplored earlier, and---I don't want to start a gender war here, but in my experience guys often overdo things that girls have done with taste and restraint for years. 

On a side note: what's up with red eyeshadow???  Why do girls want to look like vampires?  (And do vampires wear red eyeshadow?  Given that they don't exist, it must be a convention, nothing more. )

Okay enough of this; makeup is kind of close to my heart, especially the makeup others wear.  I myself don't wear any, or just a touch of lip color. 

Mary-Kay Hemlock Brown

[Added later]

Since I myself do not wear my hair in any elaborate style, I had no inkling about how much time these Tik-Tok type styles take!  It's insane!

There was a video of a tiny little girl---say 9 or ten--- doing her hair.  She divided it into three sections on each side, braided one section quickly into a long thin braid, and clipped it off.   Same on the other side.  Then another strand was coiled up, and clipped.  (Same on o. s.)  Then the two braided strands were pulled up and fashioned into a sort of hairband across her crown.  Finally the other remaining strands were allowed to hang loose.  Lots of ribbons involved. 

I don't know whether this is SOP for all young ladies, but the video clip was celebrating how the kid was doing her own hair.  Maybe she was a lot younger, like maybe 5 or 6.  But imagine if mom or an older sister had to do her hair.  What a freaking waste of time.  YouTube and TikTok are grooming girls into wasting time on their hair.


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