Another Mystery Model

Friday, June 16, 2023


I had always been taught that the vertical parts of a door frame---the thing you lean on, casually---is the door jamb.  And when I first learned the word it was from a book, so I assumed that the terminal 'b' was actually sounded, not silent, as in 'bomb', for instance.  I'm increasingly seeing the word spelled as 'jam', as though it were a preserve made out of doors; and I'm going to address the issue as though my prejudices were rock solid fact.  So that's another weird entry for our list of homonyms.  (Actually, it isn't.  A spoonerism?)

I'm reading a promising book about a young lady who has magical powers, and an assistant who is a talking cat 🐈: Summon the Keeper, by Tanya Huff (1998 or thereabouts).  Tanya has a fun sense of humor, and I'm going to finish this one. 

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