Another Mystery Model

Thursday, March 14, 2024


I may not have brought this up before, but: I'm not crazy about flowers, really!  Most girls are; but I'm sort of not.  A single flower: I can deal with that.  A wild flower, out in the woods: great.  A neat flower garden in someone else's house: I can dig that.  But a flower patch in my own home: <sigh> I'd rather not.  But I do have one, to discharge my social obligations; there are a couple of guys that I have charmed into helping me with it, but I water the things by myself, just often enough to prevent them going brown.  At this point, there are just a few stubborn plants that haven't died over the winter.  I'll get serious with them in a month or so. 

But on Deviant Art (you knew I'd start ranting sooner or later!) OMG: there are millions of flowers in so many pictures!  Lots of girls have flowers in their hair ... ugh!  Why do these artists (or AI's) put so many fricking flowers everywhere?

I'm feeling sick.  Later, people.


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