Another Mystery Model

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Dressing Sexily

Wow.  Has TikTok made this happen? : Just some of the TikTok clips get on Facebook, and some of the chicks there really dress sexy.  I guess each individual Fb person has to set her filters, so that these ultra-sexy clips don't find their way into our feed.  But if I'm unhappy with them, imagine how much Whassername Taylor-Green would hate it?

In an ideal world, nobody would care how anyone dressed.   At first I cringed when women wore tights with tunics; then I got accustomed to it.  But then girls began to wear crop-tops with tights or leggings.  I know they're quite different things, but I haven't figured out the difference.  (The first step is to start wearing the damn things.  I've lost a little weight, so I could do it, but for whom am I doing it?  Rest assured I'm not going to post a photo of myself wearing those things on here!!)

But the more everyone shows skin, the more the presumed targets of this sexy dressing will be de-sensitized to exposed skin, etc.  Between yawns they'll think: 'Ho hum, there's another half-dressed chick.  She ought not to wear clothes like that with her goofy body,' etc, etc.  Everyone is a critic. 

Gosh.  Practically every girl seems to want to get themselves recorded, pirouetting around on TikTok.  I'm getting jaded. 


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