Another Mystery Model

Monday, February 1, 2021

Current Events

This is not intended to be a political post.  But I have been both amused, and bewildered, at the professed beliefs of Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green.  Some questions come up: 1.  Does she really believe what she says she does?  Or are these statements intended to confuse and bewilder her opponents, just to throw them off balance?

One of her declarations was that 9/11 did not happen.  It certainly did, as far as I know; this one is pretty easy to refute.  But what a foolish claim for her to make; what if those she sides with---the far Right, Trump supporting Republicans---happen to have actually seen the events of 9/11 first hand?  It is pretty hard to hide a plane ramming into one of the tallest buildings in NYC; there were witnesses across the river in Hoboken, for instance, who saw the collisions take place.  But there must be some really interesting conservatives whom she can persuade into believing Large Marge against the evidence of their own eyes.  She sees Trump telling preposterous lies, and must wonder whether she herself has the talent to tell equally stunning lies!  Are we doomed to be listening to lies the lest of our lives?

Another of her claims is that the Democrats---or at least some of them---are involved in child trafficking, and even Satanism.  Then she supports the theory that voting machines have been subverted by the Democrats.  Some of these are so wild, I have trouble giving them credence, but then I only know what I read in the papers, as Will Rogers (or someone) famously said.

The way to deal with these incredible claims is to (A) tentatively accept them, (B) verify the truth of the matter as quickly as possible, and (C) if what you thought you knew was in error, make your friends know the truth.  If you had been right, make that known, too.

Kay Hemlock Brown

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