Another Mystery Model

Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Music of The Stars

Readers will remember that my story I anticipated that would generate the greatest amount of interest and attention would be The Music of the Stars, about an alternate Helen, who is frozen—voluntarily—and put aboard a space vessel, called the Galactic Voyager.  In other words, I decided that what was going on in the TV show in which Helen starred, would really happen to Helen.

Well, I got impatient.  The book is barely completed —actually it is incomplete— but I decided to pre-publish it.  This means that it goes up on Smashwords, and customers can read the first so much percent of it (20%), but the book can’t be downloaded in its entirety until the Publication Date, which is August 15, 2015, right after the holocaust that is to come!!!

When I wrote Music of the Stars, some of the things that happened to Helen in the regular Helen story had not happened yet.  So, in Stars, Helen has not suffered the last really horrible amnesia with which the regular Helen story climaxes.  Also, James was not born, so the Helen in Stars is childless.

Don’t think of this as a disaster; think of them as two mostly different Helens.  I could have called the Helen in Stars “Patricia”, or anything I wanted.  But I wanted her to be a charismatic celebrity, so it made more sense to call her Helen Nordstrom.

So if any of you are interested, go ahead and read the first 20% of the new book, and I hope you enjoy it!


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