Heh heh. I had hardly got finished blogging that I had reduced prices on several of my books, than I 'sold' a couple of dozen of them! This confirms that the stories are technically worthless, or at least worth less than 99 cents, which is the minimum that Smashwords will allow! No, I'm not upset or insulted; I know that a reader has to have a peculiar mix of interests (classical music, girl-girl relationships, children, etc) for the Helen stories to grab them. (The non-Helen stories are a lot of fun, and don't have anything to do with music, except for Music on the Galactic Voyager, which is sort of vaguely a Helen story.)
Listen, you guys: come on, now; spread the word! I don't need the cash, honestly; but I do like to see people buying the books!!!
(I get the sneaking suspicion that a single person has bought all the books that were downloaded yesterday. Well, thanks, whoever you are!)
Kay Hemlock DarkBrown