Another Mystery Model

Monday, February 3, 2014

"Alexandra" is now for sale

My complete book Alexandra was available for purchase on Smashwords on January 28th.

No matter how many times I go through this book, there are always mistakes and grammatical errors I keep finding, and it makes me furious!  But I'm proud of the book; I think it stands up to other books in the genre, even if it doesn't have a brilliant plot.  I love the characters dearly, even though it seems to grind to an unsatisfactory halt, with everyone only moderately satisfied with their lot.  But this is the way the world is; it seems stupid to me to write a story that ends with everybody deliriously delighted with the outcome!

In all my stories, I end up falling in love with all the principal characters, and Alexandra is no exception.  The adults, the teenagers, the kids, are all delightful, and the few people there are who aren't wonderful, are at least understandable, and have understandable motives.  I would certainly like to make the beginning stronger, but this book was written so early in my writing experience that changing anything really hurts.  This is why I'm publishing it privately, and not letting a commercial publisher massacre it!

While I'm not desperate for everyone to buy it, I can't bring myself to give it away free; it is some 300,000 words of effort, so you're getting about 500 words per penny.  If you don't think that's worth it, read the first 40% for free, and let me know how you hate it!!!

